11-19 5 - 180 minutes Includes video

Growth mindset toolkit

This toolkit is designed to help young people develop the skills and mindset to support them as they move from education into the world of work and beyond. Working with the Skills Builder Partnership, LifeSkills has produced a toolkit of resources that is underpinned by the Skills Builder Framework for developing essential skills.

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Growth mindset toolkit

ZIP 5.1mb

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Lesson plan

PDF 2.2mb

Presentation slides

PDF 3.8mb

Skill up: Icebreaker activity

PDF 2.8mb

Lesson learning outcomes

This toolkit aims to:

  • Inspire young people to develop a growth mindset through short practical activities
  • Provide insights and tips to support your careers provision
  • Provide guidance on a journey through LifeSkills content (including films, tools and lesson plans) to support the development of core transferable skills

Read on to learn about how you can help students to better understand some of the skills most valued by employers.

Money role models

Hear young people discuss how their family and friends have influenced their attitudes to money.

Money role models

Hear young people discuss how their family and friends have influenced their attitudes to money.

What is a growth mindset?

As the world of work changes, different skills have been identified as being increasingly valuable to employers. Along with these skills, it is important for young people to have a mindset to adapt and continue to learn. The use of these skills extends beyond the workplace and are useful in everyday life.

Money role models

Hear young people discuss how their family and friends have influenced their attitudes to money.

How will this toolkit help students identify the most sought-after skills in the job market?

Students will discover how to improve core transferable (sometimes called ‘soft’ or ‘personal’) skills, such as leadership, aiming high (proactivity), and problem solving. After introducing each skill, the toolkit signposts to lessons and interactive activities to help embed learning, and features supporting case studies that demonstrate how these skills are applied in the real world.

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How to develop a growth mindset with LifeSkills

Lessons on the Core transferable skills lessons are a great place to start boosting the skills needed for the workplace and beyond. The Putting enterprise skills into action lesson is a hands-on way for students to actively practise their abilities and identify which ones to build on. Our Content guide is a great way to learn how this toolkit and other resources can be used in PSHE, English and more subjects to support your students.

Example of an h4

Consectetur adipiscing elit. Mauris dictum in eros et tincidunt. Proin ex nulla, aliquam sed viverra mattis, egestas mollis nibh. Praesent mollis nulla nec pretium dapibus. Donec placerat mi et ipsum vehicula, a mollis libero mollis. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus.

Curriculum tags

Download full lesson plan pack with all activities

Growth mindset toolkit

ZIP 5.1mb

Download an indvidual section

Lesson plan

PDF 2.2mb

Presentation slides

PDF 3.8mb

Skill up: Icebreaker activity

PDF 2.8mb

Other lessons in Category 1

Delivery guide for adults

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam porttitor, metus et blandit facilisis, dolor ante facilisis sapien.

Delivery guide for adults

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam porttitor, metus et blandit facilisis, dolor ante facilisis sapien.

Lesson Plan
16 11-19
Managing money and budgeting
Includes video